Despite all of the problems that humanity faces on earth, God has promised to deliver His people. This promise was originally given to the Israelites from the Egyptians (Exodus 14), but He also promises to deliver us today (Psalm 34).
Because life can seem hopeless at times, God also promised a visible sign of His deliverance, so that no one would miss it. The sign was simple, yet unmistakable: a young woman would give birth to a unique child that would bring God’s presence near closer to us. Emmanuel – God is with us. This prophecy was ultimately fulfilled when Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, the son of God.
The significance of God’s promise is real and tangible. Today, no matter what problem we may face, we can know that God is with us! We do not need to doubt whether God will save us from our problems, but we can look to His promise of His Son. God has entered our world, and we are no longer alone. Even when others leave us, God is with us!