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Sunday, 18th of December 2023

As we enter the third week of Advent, we eagerly await the coming Messiah, the promised Messiah. Today we light the candle of JOY, the joy that comes through Jesus’ arrival and through the salvation he has gifted us. From our reading today, I sense great joy in the two wise souls, Simeon & Anna who experienced the dedication of Jesus in the temple at Jerusalem. Simeon is mentioned only by Luke among the gospel writers. He enters the scene and departs from view just as quickly. Yet his inclusion, brings incredible value to what is being conveyed in the gospel. He was promised by the Holy Spirit that before he departs this life, he would see the promised Messiah. Upon his recognition of Jesus at the temple, the other old devout follower, Anna also recognizes Jesus as a divine sign and begins to tell people in Jerusalem that the prophesied Messiah and Savior has finally arrived. JOY!

Luke 2:28-32…Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, “Sovereign Lord, now let Your servant die in peace, as You have promised. I have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and He is the glory of Your people Israel!”

During this Christmas season, may we all recognize the promised Messiah as we celebrate and remember the birth of Jesus.